Here is just a small sample of the activities we have advanced throughout the years….
Climate Finance and Public private Cooperation
Developed and coordinated for a consortium of 9 organizations, a successful multi million (EU), multi-year project bid to identify, develop and learn from Low carbon resilient projects in various countries in Africa, Asia and regionally in Latin America and the Caribbean, and to help implement them using an innovative Agile/Scum policy and project learning methodology; the resulting “Learning By Doing” International Climate Initiative (ICI) project is to be launched February 1st, 2019.
Developed and coordinated and consortium of 10 companies to provide NDC and finance support for the NDC InvestPlatform at the IADB, currently in operation.
Delivered a 2017 – 2018 project to coordinate and develop a public private cooperation initiative for the Energy Sectoral Fund (Government of Mexico), the World Economic Forum (WEF) and Mission Innovation, a 20 country energy innovation alliance.
Delivered a 2016 – 2017 UN ECLAC/Euroclima project to identify means to finance low carbon and climate resilient projects under various Countries Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and outline options to finance mitigation / Adaptation projects.
· Energeia delivered an advisory and consultation project for the Prince of Wales International Sustainability Unit (ISU) on food security and finance for the Mexico G20 Summit, following on the text emerging from the Rio +20 conference, and on various regional and global initiatives on sustainability and climate change,
· Energeia Provided advisory services to the UK Department for International Development (DFID), the Department for Food, Rural Affairs and Agriculture (DEFRA) and subsequently for the Department for Energy and climate Change (DECC) to set up climate development funds at multilateral funds at the World Bank, the Inter American Development Bank, the African Development Bank, and the Asian Development Bank, and presented to the IADB Executive directors board the proposal that resulted in the SECCI climate framework.
· Energeia developed for the office of Prime Minister Blair and the office of the Secretary of State Margaret Beckett to launch and chair Gleneagles Dialogue on Low Carbon Economy and led the Prime Minister special envoys office´s regional outreach and climate finance under the dialogue, and and advised DFID on the Clean Energy investment framework arising from the G8 2005 summit, and in its implementation by WB and regional development banks.
Energeia organized and co led meetings on scaling up climate finance in Asia for UN ESCAP (3 meetings, with 13 countries), UN ECLAC, Latin America (7 meetings, with 12 countries), as well as to People´s Republic of China’s NDR Council in Beijing, at the Asia Pacific Business Forum (Kunming, China) and presented results in several Negotiation fora (Gleneagles dialogue, London Carbon Markets meeting) (2007 – 2009)
Energeia advised the Madrid Club of former heads of state on International climate finance on behalf of UK, and coordinated Regional Climate Economics projects and funding in LAC & South East Asia.
Energeia produced report on a Climate Financial framework for development Banks in Mexico (Nacional Financiera, NAFINSA; and Banco Nacional de Obras Públicas, BANOBRAS) under the IADB.
Energeia developed an approach (Strategic Program Approaches or SPA) combining carbon markets and national contributions, for the World Bank Carbon Partnership and for the UNFCCC Expert Group of Technology Transfer (2008).
Energeia produced for the IADB the Concept Note that resulted into the FINANZAS CARBONO platform from the IADB (2008).